Online commerce business models:

Recent day’s internet is an emerging technology through the world! Technology growth is the main stream for business growth. Both of the segments are interrelated. From this analysis we know the what are the online commerce techniques improve the latest business model and its advantages, disadvantages. Here go through the article.

The Internet has emerged in the recent past as a dynamic medium for channeling

transactions between customers and firms in a virtual marketplace. The growth of the Web has been phenomenal, and there has been a corresponding growth in commerce on this robust platform. In this paper, we examine the various types of online commerce models that are emerging in the business-to-consumer, business-to-business, and consumer-to-consumer space. We illustrate these models with respect to their underlying value propositions, examples of industry leaders in the respective areas, and outline key technological innovations that will impact future developments.

Vertical- Dimensions of Online Commerce:

Online commerce can be transacted in many forms, depending on the type of business

activity in question; and by different players depending on the position they occupy in the value chain. In the following discussion, we focus on three major types of online commerce:

a. Business-to-consumer commerce: This includes physical and online retailing, information-based direct marketing, and other hybrid forms that involve both digital and brick-and-mortar retailing. Convenience factors like ease of shopping, a custom shopping experience, 24/7 availability, and competitive prices remain the main draws of this form of commerce at the present time. The revenue streams for such models typically involve commerce, community and advertising.
b. Business-to-business commerce: This includes inter-company trading and supplier networks, vertical industry exchanges, horizontal linkages between firms, and digital business-market mechanisms that include auctions, spot markets and others. The economic justification for these types of businesses' lie in cost and scale efficiencies, product and service aggregation, and lower search costs combined with broader reach and convenience. Revenues are derived either on transaction-based fees, or long standing contractual relationships.
c. Consumer-to-consumer commerce: This category includes consumer auctions, custom services, and other forms of inter-consumer exchange, including online communities and chat forums. A number of companies that exist in this space serve as facilitators of information exchange for decision making, rather than the actual transaction processors.They typically derive their revenues from advertising, subscriptions, and marketing partnerships.

Totally the Online commercial business is over $1000 bn for every year which gradually increases its value.

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