Dear aspirant readers this article analyze the business point in terms of high profitable tasks and how to relate the financial subjects of every business demands that meets. Here I’ll use some resources for my article keep good and reliable one.
Establish Key Performance Indicators
These Key Performance Indicators should measure a variety of financial areas in your business e.g. value of an average transaction, cost per sale, profit margins, cost per inquiry, the lifetime value of a client etc. In this way you will have some very clear yardsticks or benchmarks on which you can base any future profit enhancement initiatives.
Write down 4 initiatives against each Key Performance Indicator that you and/or your people can do to improve on these figures. Then write down some action steps and delegate these tasks. It is important that these KPI’s are monitored on a regular ongoing basis so that you can assess the performance.
Revisit your Client nurturing program. Make sure that it addresses the following points:
• You will need to have a telephone or email contact with each client at least every two months. This will depend on how frequently they purchase from you.
• Provide value-added services and information which are not directly linked to a sale, from time to time. These could include reports, golf days or 'client only' workshops.
• Make special 'client only' offers every now and then, where you offer them a great deal because they have purchased in the past from you.
• You know that all clients are not the same. Make sure that you have reorganized your clients into 6-star, 5-star, 4-star and 3-star. You should give the 6-star clients the "6-star" treatment.
• On an ongoing basis you need to gather information on who your clients are, what their current needs are and how you can improve your level of service for them.
Come up with ways to make it fun for your customers to do business with you, as well as enjoyable for your team members.
Making it fun is a great way to motivate your staff, as well as getting your customers to buy from you. An example of a fun place to work is Virgin Blue Airlines, based here in
Courtesy: Kristina
All the best for your business and its successes!