Google attack on Microsoft:

As many times the war happened between two major internet giants Google and Microsoft. This article analyze the vertical point of which Google and Microsoft are played.

In the fall of 1998, we can say the golden age of searching. Yes this the establishment of Google, inc. in Melano Park where the Google first office located by Larry and sergery after big research in internet searching techniques, the result yields that PageRank (PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + ... + PR(tn)/C(tn)) ) algorithm is a sole proprietary structure of Google. At the same time Mr. Gates asked these peoples to work for Microsoft MSN search, Larry and Sergery may have declined the request, shortly after brin, and page founded Google.

Comparison Statistics of Google with major US Corporations

Name Market capital Year of Inc.

IBM 151.78B 1911

Dell 57.13B 1984

Apple 86.81B 1977

Microsoft 292.84B 1981

Hewlett-Packard 114.90B 1939

Google 145.03B 1998

For comming days the wide spectrum of Google statistics will be updated soon keep watching the growth of Google,Inc our article will help the people who really interesting in Searching and to become an Business man...wait for more research updates and keep watching

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